Friday, 31 October 2014
Thursday, 30 October 2014
HUMAN RIGHTS FRONT INTERNATIONAL: عوام کی پاکستانیت منحوس چکر کی گرداب میں ...........
HUMAN RIGHTS FRONT INTERNATIONAL: عوام کی پاکستانیت منحوس چکر کی گرداب میں ...........: عوام کی پاکستانیت منحوس چکر کی گرداب میں ...
عوام کی پاکستانیت منحوس چکر کی گرداب میں ......... میاں محمد اشرف عاصمی ایڈووکیٹ ہائی کورٹ میاں محمد اشرف عاصمی ایڈووکیٹ ہائی کورٹ
عوام کی پاکستانیت منحوس چکر کی گرداب میں
میاں محمد اشرف عاصمیایڈووکیٹ ہائی کورٹ
جس طرح کے گھٹن کے ماحول میں ہمارا معاشرئے اِس وقت جن حالات سے نبرد آزما ہے اس حوالے سے کوئی دو آراء نہیں ہیں۔میں آج کچھ سوالات اپنے آپ سے کرنا چاہتا ہوں پہلی بات تو یہ ہے کہ کیا پاکستان بنانے کے مقاصد پر ایک دن بھی عمل پیرا ہو سکا۔اگر ہندووں کی غلامی سے نجات کے بعد وڈیروں سرمایہ داروں کی غلامی میںآنا مقصود تھا تو پھر آگ اور خون کی ہو لی کھیلنے کا المناک کھیل کیوں کھیلا گیا۔ پاکستان کو اللہ کے نام پر بنانے والے کیا صرف ایک محمد علی جناحؒ کی وفات کے بعد اپنے نظریاتی مقاصد سے کیو ں ہٹ گئے؟۔اگر زمین کا ٹکرا لینا ہی حاصلِ منزل تھا تو پھر اِس زمین کو لینے کے بعدآباد کیوں نہ ہونے دیا گیا۔ کہا جاتا ہے کہ بھارت روس اسرائیل شروع سے ہی ہمارئے ملک کے درپے ہیں تو پھر لاکھوں عصمتوں کو لٹانے والوں، لاکھوں جانیں قربان کرنے والوں کے وارثوں نے اپنی ذمہ داریاں حصول پاکستان کے بعد فراموش کیوں کر دیں۔ جب 1857سے لے کر 1947 تک کہ نوئے سالہ دور میں مسلمانوں نے اتنی سخت جدوجہد اور سخت ترین حالات میں پاکستان کے حصول کی جنگ لڑی تو پھر اُس جنگ کو جیتنے کے بعد ہی شام غر یباں کیوں بپا کر دی گئی اور سانحہ مشرقی پاکستان کا وقوع پذیر ہونا اِس بات کی دلالت ہے کہ پاکستان کے بیٹوں نے دھرتی ماں کی حفاظت کا قرض ادا نہیں کیا۔پاکستان کی سلامتی اور خوشحالی کے لیے عام آدمی کو اپنا کردار ادا کرنا ہوگا۔پاکستان کے مسائل کی بڑی وجہ عام آدمی کا معاشرتی ترقی میں اپنا کردار ادا نہ کرنا ہے، جس کی وجہ سے قبضہ گروپوں، رسہ گیروں کو مملکت خدادادِ پاکستان کا ان داتا بننے کا موقعہ مل گیا۔ہمارئے ملک کی تاریخ کے تانے بانے بھی عجیب نشیب وفراز میں ہچکولے کھاتے نظر آرہے ہیں۔ 1956کا آئین،1962 کا آئین بعد ازاں بھٹو صاحب کا دیا ہوا 1973 کا آئین۔موجودہ آئین بھی ہر فوجی حکمران کے سامنے تر نوالہ ثابت ہوتا رہا ہے اور وہ اِس میں من پسند تبدیلیاں کرتے اور نظریہ ضرورت کو اگلی نسلوں تک پہنچانے کا فریضہ انجام دیتے رہے۔حیرت ہوتی ہے کہ اتنے دانشوروں اور رہنماؤں کے ہوتے ہوئے کس ناقدری والا سلوک پاکستان سے کیا جاتا رہا ہے اور اب بھی ایسی صورتحال ہے۔اِس سرزمین کی حُرمت کی پامالی میں ہمارئے قومی رہنماؤں کی مجرمانہ غفلت کا بڑا بھیانک کردار ہے۔ اقتدار کی غلام گردشوں میں یہ ہی نام نہاد قومی قد آور شخصیات اپنی حرکات و سکنات اور اعمال کی وجہ سے بونے بنتے چلے گئے۔قوم کو اتنا مایوس کیا گیا کہ قوم پاکستان کی تخلیق پر ہی سوال اُٹھانے لگی۔قوم کا مورال انتہائی پست حالت میں لانے کی ذمہ دار قیادتیں اپنے پیٹ کی آگ کو پاکستانی عوام کی دولت کو لوٹ کر بھرتے رہے اور بھر رہے ہیں۔ کہاں رہی ہیں اب تک انسانی آزادیوں کی لیے جنگ لڑنے والی قوتیں، کہاں و ہ مذہبی رہنماء ہیں جن کی ایک کال پر پورا ملک جام ہو سکتا ہے لیکن پستی ہوئی سرمایہ دارنہ نظام کے ہاتھوں عوام کی فلاح کے لیے اُن کے جارحانہ انداز سوئے ہوئے ہیں۔پاکستانی معاشرئے میں جہاں تعلیم کے ساتھ ساتھ کردار کی تربیت کا بھی فقدان ہے یہ سرزمین، کرپٹ حکمرانوں، طالع آزماء آمروں، سرمایہ داروں، وڈیروں جعلی ڈبہ پیروں، اور مذہب کے نام پر لوگوں کو اپنے مقاصد کے لیے استعمال کرنے والوں پر کھلی ہے وہ جو مرضی کرتے رہیں۔ لیکن عوام کو ان طبقہ جات نے ایسی افیون کھلا دی ہے کہ عوام کے اندر اُٹھنے کی سکت ہی نہیں۔ عوام کے شعور کو قید کر لیا گیا ہے جب بھی عوام کے جذبات میں ارتعاش پیدا ہوتا ہے اِن طبقہ جات میں سے کوئی نہ کوئی آگے بڑھتا ہے اور عوام کومختلف حیلے بہانوں ڈراتا ہے تاکہ کہیں واقعی یہ عوام بیدار نہ ہوجائیں۔ اس طرح لوٹ کھسوٹ کرنے والوں نے عوام کو ایک ایسے منحوس چکر میں پھانس رکھا ہے کہ جہاں سے عوام کو آزادی نہیں مل رہی ہے۔ عمر ساری تو اندھیرئے میں کٹ نہیں سکتی اُجالوں کے حصول کے لیے عوام کو اپنے آپ کو پہچاننا ہوگا۔اِس مقصد کے لیے نوجوان نسل ہی قیادت کر سکتی ہے۔ نوجوان کسی کے آلہ کار بنے بغیر معاشرئے میں ناانصافیوں کے خلاف اپنا موثر کردا ر ادا کر سکتے ہیں۔حکومت تو اپنے نام نہاد خوشامدیوں کے نرغے میں ہے اور حکومت کوا سب اچھا دیکھانے والے ٹولے نے تو ہر دور میں اپنا کردار ادا کرنا ہوتا ہے۔ شریف حکومت کو جو موجودہ طوفان کا سامنا کرنا پڑا جس کے لیے پوری دنیا عمران اور طاہر القادری نے اپنا پورا زور لگایا اگر شریف برادران اب بھی اپنی سیاست کا رُخ عوام کی فلاح کی طرف نہ موڑ سکے تو موجود میڈیا کی آزادی اور عمران اور قادری کی کو ششوں کے سبب آنے والے انتخابات میں دونوں بھائی اپنے سیاست کو دفن اپنے ہاتھوں سے کر دیں گے۔یہ بات میں پورئے وثوق سے کہہ سکتا ہوں کہ شریف برادران قوم کی ترقی چاہتے ہیں لیکن وہ پھر بھی ایم این ایم پی ائے کے لیے امیدوار اُس کو ہی نامزد کرتے ہیں جن کا وطیرہ کرپشن، قبضہ ،لوٹ مار ہے اور جو تھانے کچہری کی سیا ست کرتے ہیں اِس میں کوئی شک نہیں کہ چند اچھے لوگ بھی اِس اِس حکومت کا حصہ ہیں۔ اللہ پاک کا پنے بندے سے یہ وعدہ ہے کہ اگر وہ راہِ مستقیم کا راہی بن جائے گا تو پھر اللہ پاک اُسکے ہاتھ بن جاتا ہے جس سے وہ کوئی کام کرتا ہے ، اللہ پاک اُس کی آنکھ بن جاتا ہے جس سے یہ دیکھتا ہے۔ اِس دنیا اور آخرت میں فلاح کے لیے ضروری ہے کہ بندہِ مومن اپنے آپ کو اپنے رب کے تابع کرلے تو سب کچھ مسخر کیا جاسکتا ہے۔ اگر ہم دنیا داری اور خواہشات کے نہ ختم ہونے والے سلسلے کے مسافر بن جاتے ہیں تو پھر اپنے رب کی بجائے اپنی خواہشات کے غلام بن جاتے ہیں رب کی چاہت بندئے کو ہر شے سے ماورا کر دیتی ہے۔آئیے قران جو ہمارئے لیے ہدایت کا سرچشمہ ہے وہ کیا کہتا ہے اور ہمیں اپنے رب پاک سے کس طرح کی امیدیں باندھنے کی تلقین
کرتا ہے اور ہمیں بتاتا ہے کہ تمھارا رب کیسا ہےکہ جب رسول الہ صلی اللہ و علیہ و سلم توحید کی دعوت لے کر اٹھے تھے، اُس وقت دنیا کے مذہبی تصورات کیا تھے۔ بت پرست مشرکین ایسے خداؤں کو پوج رہے تھے جو لکڑی، پتھر، سونے، چاندی وغیرہ مختلف چیزوں کے بنے ہوئے تھے۔ شکل صورت اور جسم رکھتے تھے۔ دیویوں اور دیوتاؤں کی با قاعدہ نسل چلتی تھی۔ کوئی دیوی بے شوہر نہ تھی اور کوئی دیوتا بے زوجہ نہ تھا۔ ان کو کھانے پینے کی ضرورت بھی لاحق ہوتی تھی اور ان کے پرستار ان کے لئے اس کا انتظام کرتے تھے۔ مشرکین کی ایک بڑی تعداد اس بات کی قائل تھی کہ خدا انسانی شکل میں ظہور کرتا ہے اور کچھ لوگ اس کے اوتار ہوتے ہیں۔ عیسائی اگرچہ ایک خدا کو ماننے کے مدعی تھے مگر ان کا خدا بھی کم از کم ایک بیٹا تو رکھتا ہی تھا اور باپ بیٹے کے ساتھ خدائی میں روح القدس کو بھی حصے دار ہونے کا شرف حاصل تھا۔ حتیٰ کہ خدا کی ماں بھی ہوتی تھی اور اس کی ساس بھی۔ یہودی بھی ایک خدا کو ماننے کا دعویٰ کرتے تھے مگر ان کا خدا بھی مادیت اور جسمانیت اور دوسری انسانی صفات سے خالی نہ تھا۔ وہ ٹہلتا تھا، انسانی شکل میں نمودار ہوتا تھا۔ اپنے کسی بندے سے کشتی بھی لڑ لیتا تھا اور ایک عدد بیٹے (عزیر) کا باپ بھی تھا۔ ان مذہبی گروہوں کے علاوہ مجوسی آتش پرست تھے اور صابئی ستارہ پرست۔ اس حالت میں جب اللہ وحدہٗ لا شریک کو ماننے کی دعوت لوگوں کو دی گئی تو ان کے ذہن میں یہ سوال پیدا ہونا ایک لازمی امر تھا کہ وہ رب ہے کس قسم کا؟ جسے تمام ارباب اور معبودوں کو چھوڑ کر تنہا ایک ہی رب اور معبود تسلیم کرنے کی دعوت دی جا رہی ہے۔ قرآن مجید کا یہ اعجاز ہے کہ اس نے ان سوالات کا جواب چند الفاظ میں دے کر اللہ کی ہستی کا ایسا واضح تصور پیش کر دیا جو تمام مشرکانہ تصورات کا قلع قمع کر دیتا ہے اور اس کی ذات کے ساتھ مخلوقات کی صفات میں سے کسی صفت کی آلودگی کے لئے کوئئ گنجائش باقی نہیں رہنے دیتااگر ہمارا رب ہمارئے تمام دکھوں کا مداوا ہے تو پھر ہم کیوں خواب غفلت میں ہیں۔۔
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Saturday, 25 October 2014
: نیا اسلامی سال شروع ہوچکا ہے۔ اللہ پاک سے دُعا ہے کہ تمام دوستوں کے لیے اہل وطن کے لیے پوری دُنیا کے مسلمانوں کے لیے اور پوری انسانیت کے لیے یہ سال مبارک ہو۔
السلام علیکم: نیا اسلامی سال شروع ہوچکا ہے۔ اللہ پاک سے دُعا ہے کہ تمام دوستوں کے لیے
اہل وطن کے لیے پوری دُنیا کے مسلمانوں کے لیے اور پوری انسانیت کے لیے یہ سال مبارک ہو۔ سال کے آغاز میں ہی حضرت عمرؓ کا یوم شہادت ہے۔اللہ پاک اُن کے درجات بلند فرمائے اور ہمیں حضرت عمرؓ کے نقشِ قدم پر چلنے کی توفیق عطا فرمائے۔اِسی سال کے آغاز میں امام عالی مقام حضرت امام حسینؓ اور اُن کے خانوادئے کی شہادت ہوئی اللہ پا ک اُن کے طفیل ہم سب کو اچھا مسلمان بنائے۔ہمارئے حکمرانوں کو اللہ پاک خوف خُدا کرنے کی سکت عطا فرمائے۔کشمیر، شام، مصر، افغانستان میں اللہ پاک امن عطا فرمائے۔اور امُت مسلمہ کو اتحاد نصیب فرمائے۔راہ حق میںآپکا ہمسفر۔میاں محمد اشرف عاصمی ایڈووکیٹ
Our Behavior Being a Nation Mian MuhammadAshraf Asmi Advocate High Court
Our Behavior Being a Nation
Mian MuhammadAshraf Asmi
Advocate High Court
thing gives me acute unrest that we as a nation has not a good image throughout
the world, the main reason regarding this problem is that, the attitude being a
nation not impressive, We are no doubt hard worker, but in the middles class
and lower middle class, our people waste
their time just to discuss, what is being earned and spent by any person, we
described the whole story for the leg pulling purpose, how astonish able thing
is that this dilemma is in poor class. These people are just creating
greediness in the society, So now the
situation is that , we are chasing our victory but we try to lose the game for our community member.Pepole
just killing their own wishes to destroy the other wishes, as a nation this is
not fair, our religion teaches harmony
among the masses, but the
real conditions is not good. So for sake of tranquility in the masses it is
necessary to do best for others, the Physiological factor among lower middle
class is that , if we are not rich, so no one is allowed to become rich,if we
are not educated so no body has right to become educated. This is the obsolete
thinking which is main hindrance in the way of success for our people. We as Pakistan should
be proud that we are atomic country, but we considered that we have no need of this but we need so called
social status. There is complication in
our society , We want that we should be
considered good Muslims but we act against the teachings of Islam, this fact we
want to get great success in the life but we do not want to work hard, Every
body trying to get success without doing any work, this is our behavior as a nation.
Friday, 24 October 2014
Thursday, 23 October 2014
ISIS had been selling captured Yezidi, Christian and Turkmen women as sex slaves in the bazaar for 25 dollars
Women Bazaar for 25 dollars
ISIS had been selling captured Yezidi, Christian and Turkmen women as sex slaves in the bazaar for 25 dollars where the ISIS militants held them in their hidden prisons. The ages of the women are various and can be as low as the age of 14. Thousands of Yezidi women have deserted their homes and are desperately trying to live in the Sinjar Mountain.
With America’s recent
airstrike against ISIS and attempts of humanitarian assistance, they have made attempts to save them but the nightmare continues for the women. The terrorist organization ISIS, has captured women and sells them either as a good or rapes them and excruciatingly killing them slowly. Some of the women had succeeded in slipping away from the
militants’s fingers,
and make awareness that women are kept
in Mosul’s prisons
after after forced to be muslim, and sold to ISIS militants between 25 dollars to 150 dollars.
An Ezidi girl who was sold in slave bazaar by ISIS:
‘They sold me
to a sheik that is the same age as my father
ISIS had kidnapped her from Sincar, and sold as a slave to a sheik at the age of 14. The child was successful of escaping after the being captive for 27 days.
An ezidi child who was made into a slave by ISIS, have succeeded in escaping and rejoining with her family. That girl told how ISIS had made her slave and had been sold her in Italian RaiNews channel. For her security, the channel did not show her face and gave a fake name to hide her identity. Her fake name is Somaa and she spoke about how ISIS militants kidnaped them and sold them in a
slave bazaar. Somaa contınues like this; ‘ They sold me and my friend to two salaf
sheik. Both of them were older than our fathers. They were always threating and hitting us.’
Somaa and her friend lived under-lock and difficult situations for 27 days. One day, one of sheiks had forgotten to lock the door and by this means they had escaped. Somaa and her friend walked 75 kilometres to go to Baghdad, through her relatives, she found her family in the tent in a city that was established in Duhok city of northern Iraq. Somaa said that she saw hundreds of children had been put up for sale.
Woman Bazaar
They take a groups of women to Mosul. ISIS controls the second big city of the Iraq, Mosul since June. Many witnesses claim that in the city center, there is a bazaar that is selling women. Human Rights observer Suzan Aref is there right now and has approved
this claim ‘
They also open the office for selling the women here. In this office, you can look the picture of the women and learn their cost. They are selling Christian women more expensive that Yezidi women. We learned this from the people who are able escape. Generally, the women after they kidnapp , they get raped by ISIS militants . Jihadist first share them each other and then they sell the
m in Mosul and bring new girls.’
ISIS sell muslim women to Jews
recent days, the Shia Imam Kuwait Saleh Jawhar’ s instructions come
like a bombshell in the world.
The coalition to fight ISIS is a fraud and ISIS is selling Muslim women to Jews, according to Imam Saleh Jawhar.
In recent news
, the Shia Imam Kuwait Saleh Jawhar’ s instructions come
like a bombshell in the world.
“Even if we accept everything else –
what kind of religion allows the capturing of a Muslim woman, and on top of that, allows her to be sold to
a Jew?!” the cleric asked in the sermon entitled “The False War on ISIS [Islamic State].”
It has been made aware that the Islamic State’s success
in the northern Syrian town of Kobani has evidence that the US-
led coalition’s fight
against the extremist Islamist group may not be real.
“Today, on the northern border of Syria, all those countries are fighting
ISIS, yet ISIS has managed to capture that city [Kobani]... Is this
conceivable? Or perhaps there is a premeditated scenario at play here,”
he said.
“It was reported that ISIS members had managed to survive the air strikes
by starting fires and generating black smoke that concealed them. But [the coalition] has cameras, and can even smash through rocks, and see
through cave walls, so how come they cannot see through some smoke?”
he queried. Jawhar said the coalition itself created the radical organization, and has a vested interest in its survival.
hese people, commanded by Mistress America, are lying hypocrites.
They do not really want to fight ISIS and destroy it,” he said.
Resources 1).
Eliyokim Cohen (14.10.2014).ISIS sold Muslim women to Jews, Kuwaiti cleric charges. Retrieved from
Martin Drum (14.10.2014).
Yezidi kadınlar IŞİD esaretini anlattı. Retrieved
2014). 25 dolara kadın pazarı. Retrieved
.09.2014). Yezidi Kadın: Kadın Satın Almaya Gelenler Arasında Türkler de Vardı. Retrieved
Sabah(16.08.2014). Yezidi kadınları köle gibi sattılar.Retrieved from
Irak Kızılhaçı: İşid Yezidi Kızları Satıyor
7). ).
rahatsiz(02.10.2014). IŞİD’in tecavüzüne uğrayan kadınları bakın kimler satın alıyormuş
Petition No………………………/2014
- Station House Officer, Police Station.
Respectfully Sheweth:
That the addresses of the parties have correctly
been given in the head note of this petition for effecting service and notices upon the parties.
That the petitioner is peace loving citizen of Pakistan and he
is residing the above mentioned address with his family.
That the petitioner made an application before
respondent/SHO also made many visits for registration of hi case against Respondent No.2. As per application made by
the petitioner, the proposed accused person have committed a cognizable offence
, but no action has been taken .Copy of application is attached as Annex”A”.
However the MLR of petitioner, hence
copy whereof is not available, but public acknowledged the whole situation.
That the provision of Section 154 Cr.P.C. are mandatory in nature
and are binding upon the police officer to lodge a criminal case when received
an information about the commission of a cognizable offence and it is also
settled law by the Apex Court of the
country that police should register a criminal case of an aggrieved person and
to proceed in the matter strictly in accordance with law, but in this case the
police will malafide intention has failed to discharge his duties. Reliance is
place on PLD 2007 SC 539.
That if the case of petitioner is not ordered to be
registered, as per his application, the petitioner shall suffer an irreparable
loss and injury.
is therefore most respectfully prayed that the respondent/SHO may kindly be
directed to register a criminal case as per the application of petitioner and
to act strictly in accordance with law, in the intrest of justice.
It is also prayed that the life ,
liberty, person and property of the petitioner may also be ordered to be
protected, in the interest of justice.
Any other relief which this Honourable
Court deems fit and proper under the given circumstances of the case, may also
be granted to the petitioner.
Muhammad Ashraf Asmi
Advocate High Court
1-Shah Chiragh Chambers Lahore.
As per instructions of the client ,
this is first petition before this Honourable Court on subject matter.
Petition No._____________/2014
Muhammad Kashif Chand VS SHO.
AFFIDAVIT OF xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
Tehsil Cantt, Distrtict Lahore.
I, the
above named deponent do hereby affirm and declare as under.
That the
contents of the above titles petition is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief and nothing has been concealed therein.
on oath at Lahore
this 22 day Oct.14 that, contents of the
above affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Sunday, 19 October 2014
No compromise on Pakistan integrity, sovereignty ASHRAF ASMI ADVOCATE HIGH COURT"Article, WRITER IS PRACTICING LAWYER.
No compromise on Pakistan integrity, sovereignty
In fact Pakistan is now fighting on different sides, India, Us, Afghanistan,
Iran, Terrorists .The
international conspiracies are at peak level now, Pakistan Army fighting decisive
war. In the present conditions, Pakistani Nation should be on one page, there
is need of hour the whole nation should be unite, but for last couple of month
it seems as International forces do not want to strengthen the dear
homeland, one factor should also be
taken into consideration the role of china
in our region is not acceptable for US. So USA has played a havoc game in this
region. There is acute level instability in our country , economic as well as
political, it seems there is no Government in the country, the result of the whole
pressure India has attacked on our border,
China is becoming super power of the future, US is not accepting this bitter
truth, Gowader Port will ultimately change the environment of world trade, it
is already world being seen, the china has captured the whole world market, US
being single super Power is considered as
bone of contention , the problems which are being seen every where in
the world, Pakistani economy is under pressure and one more important thing is,
government has become toy in hands of bureaucrats , Govt should serve the
nation , for this purpose , there should be team of technocrats inspire of bureaucrats. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has reiterated that Pakistan
desires peace both within and outside its borders to attain the much-needed
socio-economic development goals.Pakistan, he said, could not afford to be distracted from trying
to fulfill its national objectives. “Pakistan will never compromise on
its sovereignty and independence.”Speaking at the opening ceremony of a new
building of the Pakistan Naval War College (PNWC) here, the prime minister said Pakistan Navy
was playing a vital role in national defence and despite resource constraints
the government would provide funds to strengthen maritime defense.He said
Pakistan was strategically
located around the nucleus of the Arabian Sea
and surrounded by three continents and over 50 coastal and hinterland states.
Any ecological, social andpolitical imbalance in the region casts a lengthening
shadow throughout the area and also affects security and stability of Pakistan.“We must
always remain cognizant of our effective role in the maritime affairs of this
region and be prepared to play our due role.The prime minister said that
sea-lanes were jugular veins of world trade and any interruption in the waters
had the potential of disrupting global economy and impacting global
security.Referring to indigenous building of warships by Pakistan Navy, the
prime minister said he felt proud on learning that Pakistan Navy was building
large indigenous warships and potent fast-attack craft through revival of the
Karachi Shipyard.He said
the first national maritime doctrine was in final stages of
completion.Referring to economic initiatives of the government, the prime
minister said his government was working to make Gwadar Port fully functional
at the earliest and develop the Gwadar-Kashgar link, under the China Pakistan
Economic Corridor portfolio, and construct an airport, an expressway link and a
powerhouse in the area.
No doubt Prime minister has great wish to stabilize the country but now it is the need of hour to take decision immediately because if nation is not united then how can we fight war against teriorists and evil foreign forces. Govt should not think like 1999 regime, now the time has passed ,, people are living in the independant private media era, and IK and TQ has proved great consistency regarding the resignation of the Prime Minister.Being a member of legal fraternity , i feel , every thing is not fine, but it is the need of hour that we should not compromise on the integrity and solidarity of the country.
Saturday, 18 October 2014
Amnesty International September
Myanmar is part of the
Association of South East
Asian Nations (ASEAN).
The other nine members
of ASEAN are Brunei,
Cambodia, Indonesia,
Laos, Malaysia,
Philippines, Singapore,
Thailand and Vietnam.
Your action will demand
these nations support the
three freedoms in Myanmar.
Myanmar’s authorities have promised free
and fair elections. The majority of
governments, including Myanmar’s
neighbours in the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN), are calling for
and hoping this will be the case.
However, the reality is that the expression
of such hopes will do little to address the
restrictions on human rights already in
place. And calling for free and fair
elections will not address the widespread
human rights violations taking place.
In order to protect the human rights of
the people of Myanmar during and after
the elections, Amnesty International is
calling for:
• Myanmar’s authorities to guarantee
the three freedoms of expression,
association and peaceful assembly for all.
This includes being able to campaign
for a boycott of the elections, to report
openly on the elections, to print
campaign material without censorship,
to speak freely and without punishment
to the media, to join political parties and
to hold meetings and demonstrations.
• All political prisoners arrested for their
peaceful activism to be released
immediately and unconditionally.
• The repression of ethnic minority
activists to cease immediately.
• The international community, particularly
Myanmar’s neighbours and other
concerned governments, to publicly
call for the three freedoms to be
respected and to speak out forcefully
if individuals are harassed and
detained for their peaceful political
views and activities in the lead-up to
the elections and beyond.
We cannot let the repression continue
while Myanmar’s elections go ahead. With
your help, we can work towards a global
outcry that ensures the people of Myanmar
are protected in the lead-up to the 2010
elections and beyond.
Authorities in Myanmar (also known as Burma) will hold the country’s first elections in
20 years on 7 November 2010. But unless immediate action is taken, people’s ability to
speak out and organise themselves freely will continue to be severely restricted;
political prisoners will remain behind bars; and any opposition to the government on
the streets could be violently suppressed.
Following the last elections in 1990, the winning party, the National League for Democracy
(NLD), was stopped from taking power by the military. Many of their members, including
party leader Daw Aung Sang Suu Kyi and activists from ethnic minority groups, are still
imprisoned for their peaceful political activities.
For more than 20 years the authority’s human rights record has been terrible. The security
forces have used excessive and, at times, lethal force against peaceful protesters.
Torture by the army and police is common and the authorities suppress those who
stand up for human rights, often by sentencing them to long terms of imprisonment
after unfair trials. People are frequently sent to prisons far away from their families
and are held in very poor conditions. Many fall ill in prison. Some die.
There are more than 2,200 political prisoners in Myanmar today. This is double the number
of political prisoners since the start of the ‘Saffron Revolution’ of September 2007.
Authorities have not taken any steps to improve their poor human rights record –
instead the situation is deteriorating.
Amnesty International September 2010
The three freedoms of
expression, peaceful assembly
and association are severely
restricted in the lead-up
to Myanmar’s elections.
Above: A man votes in Myanmar’s controversial
2008 constitutional referendum at a polling
station in Hlaeuk Township near Yangon.
© AP Photo/Democratic Voice of Burma
Right: Boats with ‘NO’ (to the 2008 draft
Constitution) on its sail, floating down the
Bluchon River in Kayah State, Myanmar,
May 2008. This peaceful protest was part
of anti-constitutional referendum activities
by ethnic Karenni activists. © KNGY
In May 2008, Myanmar’s authorities held
a referendum on a new constitution
giving immunity to perpetrators of human
rights violations, including government
officials and the security forces. In the
lead-up to the poll, the authorities
introduced a new law prohibiting public
criticism of the referendum and its sociopolitical
organisation, the Union Solidarity
and Development Association, launched
a ‘vote yes’ campaign. The ‘vote no’
movement by peaceful anti-government
activists was severely restricted through
cash incentives, monopolisation and
manipulation of the media, harassment,
arrests and violent attacks on individuals.
More than 70 ‘vote no’ activists were
arrested in April 2008 and Amnesty
International is aware of at least 55
people who are still behind bars.
The government proceeded with the
referendum in the immediate aftermath
of Cyclone Nargis, which struck the
country on 2 and 3 May 2008, leaving
more than 140,000 people dead or
missing. The authorities later announced
that 98.1 per cent of eligible voters had
voted during the referendum and that
92.4 per cent of these were in favour of
the new constitution.
Amnesty International has learned that
soldiers marched cyclone survivors to the
polls and evicted people taking shelter in
schools and monasteries so they could be
used as polling stations. Some survivors
were warned that if they did not vote,
they would not be allowed to return to
their homes.
In March 2010, the government enacted
five electoral laws and four bylaws for the
forthcoming elections. These laws clearly
violate the rights to freedom of expression,
peaceful assembly and association:
• They arbitrarily exclude whole sections
of Myanmar’s society, including “persons
serving a prison term under a sentence
passed by any court” (Pyithu Hluttaw
Election Law, SPDC Law No. 3/2010,
chapter IV and Amyotha Hluttaw
Election Law, SPDC Law No. 4/2010,
chapter IV). This excludes more than
2,200 political prisoners.
• The Political Parties Registration Law
bars all political prisoners from membership
of a political party, including Daw
Aung San Suu Kyi and hundreds of
other imprisoned opposition members
(Political Parties Registration Law,
SPDC Law No. 2/2010, chapter II).
• The electoral laws limit who can run
in the elections and may be applied to
non-violent opposition groups. “Credible
contact” with an “unlawful association”
can lead to a person being categorised
as ineligible (Pyithu Hluttaw Election
Law, SPDC Law No. 3/2010, chapter V).
• The electoral laws also list a number
of offences and penalties, including a
vaguely-worded provision against
“exhorting” persons to vote or not in
the elections (Pyithu Hluttaw Election
Law, SPDC Law No. 3/2010, chapter
XIII and Amyotha Hluttaw Election
Law, SPDC Law No. 4/2010, chapter
XIII). This is in blatant violation of the
right to freedom of expression.
The authorities said that the laws are
necessary because “there may be acts
by subversives to disrupt elections” and
reminded citizens that a harsh 1996 Law
Protecting the Peaceful and Systematic
Transfer of State Responsibility is still in
force. The law provides for a five to 20
year prison sentence for anyone who
“incites, delivers speeches or makes oral
or written statements that undermine the
stability of the state, community peace
and tranquillity and prevalence of law and
order”. Any organisation that violates the
law can be suspended.
In June, the Union Election Commission
banned political parties from undertaking
campaigning activities that could
“harm security, the rule of law and
community peace”.
Khun Bedu, Khun Kawrio and Khun Dee De – political activists from the Karenni
ethnic group in Myanmar – were arrested in 2008 for their peaceful opposition to the
constitutional referendum. As leading members of an activist youth group called
Kayan New Generation Youth, they had organised a group of local dissidents to release
balloons, launch paper boats and paint walls with their peaceful political messages.
After 15 days of interrogation, during which they were repeatedly tortured, the three
men were sentenced by military officials without a trial, judge or lawyer. Khun Kawrio
and Khun Bedu were given 37 years and Khun Dee De 35 years in prison.
Activists from ethnic minority groups, like those in the country’s mainstream
political opposition, risk arrest, imprisonment and torture simply for attempting
to carry out their legitimate work.
For more information see Amnesty International’s report The repression of ethnic
minority activists in Myanmar, February 2010.
Amnesty International September 2010
The authorities have for many years justified
the imprisonment of thousands of people
on the basis that they were seeking to
cause unrest or that they posed threats to
or committed acts deemed to disrupt law
and order, peace and tranquillity. These
terms are found in a range of vaguelyworded
security laws that allow a very
broad interpretation of what constitutes a
threat to their rule, and allow authorities
to label peaceful political dissent as
criminal (see Amnesty International’s
submission to the UN Periodic Review of
Myanmar, January 2011).
The vast majority of the 2,200 political
prisoners in Myanmar are being punished
merely for exercising their rights to the
three freedoms.
Many of those in prison are leaders of
political parties or grassroots activists who,
unless they are released, will not be able to
participate in the elections. Prison conditions
in Myanmar are harsh – torture is common
and prisoners are denied sufficient food and
basic healthcare. Political prisoners are
frequently transferred to remote locations
far from their families and support networks.
There is a real fear that activists, especially
those from ethnic minorities and the NLD,
which is boycotting the elections, will come
under increased repression as the
elections approach.
And new censorship rules introduced in
June undermine any remaining scope for
independent journalism around the
elections process.
History shows that public acts of dissent
have resulted in brutal crackdowns.
On 8 August 1988, students took to the
streets in the former capital Yangon
(also called Rangoon) to demand
democracy and human rights from their
government and an end to 26 years of
military rule. Over the next six weeks,
the demonstrations grew in number and
popular support and spread across the
country. Security forces moved in and
violently suppressed the uprising, killing
more than 3,000 people and causing the
enforced disappearance of an unknown
number of others.
Saffron Revolution
In September 2007, monks led tens of
thousands of people in peaceful
demonstrations across Myanmar known as
the Saffron Revolution. The government
eventually responded with lethal force,
firing bullets into crowds and beating
protesters. It is believed that more than
100 people were killed in the crackdown.
As security forces in Myanmar are almost
never held to account for human rights
violations, the use of excessive force in
policing demonstrations is a real concern.
Buddhist monks pray at a riot police road block
in downtown Yangon, Myanmar, 26 September
2007. © AP Photo/The Mandalay Gazette, HO
Widespread and systematic
human rights violations
persist in Myanmar. Unless
the international community
urgently pays attention and
demands essential human rights
protection in the lead-up to
the coming elections and
beyond, people will continue to
be denied the three freedoms
and yet another opportunity
for positive change will be lost.
As Myanmar’s elections draw near, the international community,
particularly Myanmar’s neighbours, are under pressure to speak
out against the repression of dissent.
It is time for them to speak with one voice, telling Myanmar’s
authorities to uphold the three freedoms.
When Myanmar’s security forces violently put down peaceful
protests during the 2007 Saffron Revolution we pressed ASEAN
to act. They subsequently issued several strong statements,
expressing “revulsion” at the crackdown. However, ASEAN has
yet to speak out strongly on the upcoming elections.
Over the past few months, the foreign ministers of Indonesia,
Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand have gone on the record,
stressing the need for credible elections to be held. But more
targeted pressure needs to come from ASEAN as a whole in
order to address the human rights that are most at risk in the
lead-up to the elections and beyond.
This is a critical time to call on ASEAN to exercise its influence
and press Myanmar’s authorities to protect the three freedoms
of expression, peaceful assembly and association.
Urge ASEAN member states to uphold the binding principles of
the ASEAN charter of “respect for fundamental freedoms, the
promotion and protection of human rights, and social justice”,
by pressing Myanmar’s authorities to:
• Release immediately and unconditionally all prisoners
of conscience arrested solely on the basis of their peaceful
political activity, ethnicity, or religion.
• Ensure that all people in Myanmar can enjoy the three
freedoms of expression, peaceful assembly and association
throughout the elections and beyond.
Tell the ASEAN ministers to defend the three freedoms in Myanmar
Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 2.8 million people in more
than 150 countries and territories who campaign to end grave abuses of human rights.
Our vision is for every person to enjoy all the rights enshrined in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards.
We are independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion
– funded mainly by our membership and public donations.
Cover: Burmese monks protest outside
Myanmar’s embassy in Colombo, Sri Lanka,
against the Saffron Revolution crackdown,
September 2007. © AP Photo/Eranga
Index: ASA 16/012/2010
September 2010
Amnesty International
ABN 64 002 806 233
Locked Bag 23
Broadway NSW 2007
1300 300 920
Amnesty International September
Myanmar is part of the
Association of South East
Asian Nations (ASEAN).
The other nine members
of ASEAN are Brunei,
Cambodia, Indonesia,
Laos, Malaysia,
Philippines, Singapore,
Thailand and Vietnam.
Your action will demand
these nations support the
three freedoms in Myanmar.
Myanmar’s authorities have promised free
and fair elections. The majority of
governments, including Myanmar’s
neighbours in the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN), are calling for
and hoping this will be the case.
However, the reality is that the expression
of such hopes will do little to address the
restrictions on human rights already in
place. And calling for free and fair
elections will not address the widespread
human rights violations taking place.
In order to protect the human rights of
the people of Myanmar during and after
the elections, Amnesty International is
calling for:
• Myanmar’s authorities to guarantee
the three freedoms of expression,
association and peaceful assembly for all.
This includes being able to campaign
for a boycott of the elections, to report
openly on the elections, to print
campaign material without censorship,
to speak freely and without punishment
to the media, to join political parties and
to hold meetings and demonstrations.
• All political prisoners arrested for their
peaceful activism to be released
immediately and unconditionally.
• The repression of ethnic minority
activists to cease immediately.
• The international community, particularly
Myanmar’s neighbours and other
concerned governments, to publicly
call for the three freedoms to be
respected and to speak out forcefully
if individuals are harassed and
detained for their peaceful political
views and activities in the lead-up to
the elections and beyond.
We cannot let the repression continue
while Myanmar’s elections go ahead. With
your help, we can work towards a global
outcry that ensures the people of Myanmar
are protected in the lead-up to the 2010
elections and beyond.
Authorities in Myanmar (also known as Burma) will hold the country’s first elections in
20 years on 7 November 2010. But unless immediate action is taken, people’s ability to
speak out and organise themselves freely will continue to be severely restricted;
political prisoners will remain behind bars; and any opposition to the government on
the streets could be violently suppressed.
Following the last elections in 1990, the winning party, the National League for Democracy
(NLD), was stopped from taking power by the military. Many of their members, including
party leader Daw Aung Sang Suu Kyi and activists from ethnic minority groups, are still
imprisoned for their peaceful political activities.
For more than 20 years the authority’s human rights record has been terrible. The security
forces have used excessive and, at times, lethal force against peaceful protesters.
Torture by the army and police is common and the authorities suppress those who
stand up for human rights, often by sentencing them to long terms of imprisonment
after unfair trials. People are frequently sent to prisons far away from their families
and are held in very poor conditions. Many fall ill in prison. Some die.
There are more than 2,200 political prisoners in Myanmar today. This is double the number
of political prisoners since the start of the ‘Saffron Revolution’ of September 2007.
Authorities have not taken any steps to improve their poor human rights record –
instead the situation is deteriorating.
Amnesty International September 2010
The three freedoms of
expression, peaceful assembly
and association are severely
restricted in the lead-up
to Myanmar’s elections.
Above: A man votes in Myanmar’s controversial
2008 constitutional referendum at a polling
station in Hlaeuk Township near Yangon.
© AP Photo/Democratic Voice of Burma
Right: Boats with ‘NO’ (to the 2008 draft
Constitution) on its sail, floating down the
Bluchon River in Kayah State, Myanmar,
May 2008. This peaceful protest was part
of anti-constitutional referendum activities
by ethnic Karenni activists. © KNGY
In May 2008, Myanmar’s authorities held
a referendum on a new constitution
giving immunity to perpetrators of human
rights violations, including government
officials and the security forces. In the
lead-up to the poll, the authorities
introduced a new law prohibiting public
criticism of the referendum and its sociopolitical
organisation, the Union Solidarity
and Development Association, launched
a ‘vote yes’ campaign. The ‘vote no’
movement by peaceful anti-government
activists was severely restricted through
cash incentives, monopolisation and
manipulation of the media, harassment,
arrests and violent attacks on individuals.
More than 70 ‘vote no’ activists were
arrested in April 2008 and Amnesty
International is aware of at least 55
people who are still behind bars.
The government proceeded with the
referendum in the immediate aftermath
of Cyclone Nargis, which struck the
country on 2 and 3 May 2008, leaving
more than 140,000 people dead or
missing. The authorities later announced
that 98.1 per cent of eligible voters had
voted during the referendum and that
92.4 per cent of these were in favour of
the new constitution.
Amnesty International has learned that
soldiers marched cyclone survivors to the
polls and evicted people taking shelter in
schools and monasteries so they could be
used as polling stations. Some survivors
were warned that if they did not vote,
they would not be allowed to return to
their homes.
In March 2010, the government enacted
five electoral laws and four bylaws for the
forthcoming elections. These laws clearly
violate the rights to freedom of expression,
peaceful assembly and association:
• They arbitrarily exclude whole sections
of Myanmar’s society, including “persons
serving a prison term under a sentence
passed by any court” (Pyithu Hluttaw
Election Law, SPDC Law No. 3/2010,
chapter IV and Amyotha Hluttaw
Election Law, SPDC Law No. 4/2010,
chapter IV). This excludes more than
2,200 political prisoners.
• The Political Parties Registration Law
bars all political prisoners from membership
of a political party, including Daw
Aung San Suu Kyi and hundreds of
other imprisoned opposition members
(Political Parties Registration Law,
SPDC Law No. 2/2010, chapter II).
• The electoral laws limit who can run
in the elections and may be applied to
non-violent opposition groups. “Credible
contact” with an “unlawful association”
can lead to a person being categorised
as ineligible (Pyithu Hluttaw Election
Law, SPDC Law No. 3/2010, chapter V).
• The electoral laws also list a number
of offences and penalties, including a
vaguely-worded provision against
“exhorting” persons to vote or not in
the elections (Pyithu Hluttaw Election
Law, SPDC Law No. 3/2010, chapter
XIII and Amyotha Hluttaw Election
Law, SPDC Law No. 4/2010, chapter
XIII). This is in blatant violation of the
right to freedom of expression.
The authorities said that the laws are
necessary because “there may be acts
by subversives to disrupt elections” and
reminded citizens that a harsh 1996 Law
Protecting the Peaceful and Systematic
Transfer of State Responsibility is still in
force. The law provides for a five to 20
year prison sentence for anyone who
“incites, delivers speeches or makes oral
or written statements that undermine the
stability of the state, community peace
and tranquillity and prevalence of law and
order”. Any organisation that violates the
law can be suspended.
In June, the Union Election Commission
banned political parties from undertaking
campaigning activities that could
“harm security, the rule of law and
community peace”.
Khun Bedu, Khun Kawrio and Khun Dee De – political activists from the Karenni
ethnic group in Myanmar – were arrested in 2008 for their peaceful opposition to the
constitutional referendum. As leading members of an activist youth group called
Kayan New Generation Youth, they had organised a group of local dissidents to release
balloons, launch paper boats and paint walls with their peaceful political messages.
After 15 days of interrogation, during which they were repeatedly tortured, the three
men were sentenced by military officials without a trial, judge or lawyer. Khun Kawrio
and Khun Bedu were given 37 years and Khun Dee De 35 years in prison.
Activists from ethnic minority groups, like those in the country’s mainstream
political opposition, risk arrest, imprisonment and torture simply for attempting
to carry out their legitimate work.
For more information see Amnesty International’s report The repression of ethnic
minority activists in Myanmar, February 2010.
Amnesty International September 2010
The authorities have for many years justified
the imprisonment of thousands of people
on the basis that they were seeking to
cause unrest or that they posed threats to
or committed acts deemed to disrupt law
and order, peace and tranquillity. These
terms are found in a range of vaguelyworded
security laws that allow a very
broad interpretation of what constitutes a
threat to their rule, and allow authorities
to label peaceful political dissent as
criminal (see Amnesty International’s
submission to the UN Periodic Review of
Myanmar, January 2011).
The vast majority of the 2,200 political
prisoners in Myanmar are being punished
merely for exercising their rights to the
three freedoms.
Many of those in prison are leaders of
political parties or grassroots activists who,
unless they are released, will not be able to
participate in the elections. Prison conditions
in Myanmar are harsh – torture is common
and prisoners are denied sufficient food and
basic healthcare. Political prisoners are
frequently transferred to remote locations
far from their families and support networks.
There is a real fear that activists, especially
those from ethnic minorities and the NLD,
which is boycotting the elections, will come
under increased repression as the
elections approach.
And new censorship rules introduced in
June undermine any remaining scope for
independent journalism around the
elections process.
History shows that public acts of dissent
have resulted in brutal crackdowns.
On 8 August 1988, students took to the
streets in the former capital Yangon
(also called Rangoon) to demand
democracy and human rights from their
government and an end to 26 years of
military rule. Over the next six weeks,
the demonstrations grew in number and
popular support and spread across the
country. Security forces moved in and
violently suppressed the uprising, killing
more than 3,000 people and causing the
enforced disappearance of an unknown
number of others.
Saffron Revolution
In September 2007, monks led tens of
thousands of people in peaceful
demonstrations across Myanmar known as
the Saffron Revolution. The government
eventually responded with lethal force,
firing bullets into crowds and beating
protesters. It is believed that more than
100 people were killed in the crackdown.
As security forces in Myanmar are almost
never held to account for human rights
violations, the use of excessive force in
policing demonstrations is a real concern.
Buddhist monks pray at a riot police road block
in downtown Yangon, Myanmar, 26 September
2007. © AP Photo/The Mandalay Gazette, HO
Widespread and systematic
human rights violations
persist in Myanmar. Unless
the international community
urgently pays attention and
demands essential human rights
protection in the lead-up to
the coming elections and
beyond, people will continue to
be denied the three freedoms
and yet another opportunity
for positive change will be lost.
As Myanmar’s elections draw near, the international community,
particularly Myanmar’s neighbours, are under pressure to speak
out against the repression of dissent.
It is time for them to speak with one voice, telling Myanmar’s
authorities to uphold the three freedoms.
When Myanmar’s security forces violently put down peaceful
protests during the 2007 Saffron Revolution we pressed ASEAN
to act. They subsequently issued several strong statements,
expressing “revulsion” at the crackdown. However, ASEAN has
yet to speak out strongly on the upcoming elections.
Over the past few months, the foreign ministers of Indonesia,
Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand have gone on the record,
stressing the need for credible elections to be held. But more
targeted pressure needs to come from ASEAN as a whole in
order to address the human rights that are most at risk in the
lead-up to the elections and beyond.
This is a critical time to call on ASEAN to exercise its influence
and press Myanmar’s authorities to protect the three freedoms
of expression, peaceful assembly and association.
Urge ASEAN member states to uphold the binding principles of
the ASEAN charter of “respect for fundamental freedoms, the
promotion and protection of human rights, and social justice”,
by pressing Myanmar’s authorities to:
• Release immediately and unconditionally all prisoners
of conscience arrested solely on the basis of their peaceful
political activity, ethnicity, or religion.
• Ensure that all people in Myanmar can enjoy the three
freedoms of expression, peaceful assembly and association
throughout the elections and beyond.
Tell the ASEAN ministers to defend the three freedoms in Myanmar
Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 2.8 million people in more
than 150 countries and territories who campaign to end grave abuses of human rights.
Our vision is for every person to enjoy all the rights enshrined in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards.
We are independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion
– funded mainly by our membership and public donations.
Cover: Burmese monks protest outside
Myanmar’s embassy in Colombo, Sri Lanka,
against the Saffron Revolution crackdown,
September 2007. © AP Photo/Eranga
Index: ASA 16/012/2010
September 2010
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