Women Bazaar for 25 dollars
ISIS had been selling captured Yezidi, Christian and Turkmen women as sex slaves in the bazaar for 25 dollars where the ISIS militants held them in their hidden prisons. The ages of the women are various and can be as low as the age of 14. Thousands of Yezidi women have deserted their homes and are desperately trying to live in the Sinjar Mountain.
With America’s recent
airstrike against ISIS and attempts of humanitarian assistance, they have made attempts to save them but the nightmare continues for the women. The terrorist organization ISIS, has captured women and sells them either as a good or rapes them and excruciatingly killing them slowly. Some of the women had succeeded in slipping away from the
militants’s fingers,
and make awareness that women are kept
in Mosul’s prisons
after after forced to be muslim, and sold to ISIS militants between 25 dollars to 150 dollars.
An Ezidi girl who was sold in slave bazaar by ISIS:
‘They sold me
to a sheik that is the same age as my father
ISIS had kidnapped her from Sincar, and sold as a slave to a sheik at the age of 14. The child was successful of escaping after the being captive for 27 days.

An ezidi child who was made into a slave by ISIS, have succeeded in escaping and rejoining with her family. That girl told how ISIS had made her slave and had been sold her in Italian RaiNews channel. For her security, the channel did not show her face and gave a fake name to hide her identity. Her fake name is Somaa and she spoke about how ISIS militants kidnaped them and sold them in a
slave bazaar. Somaa contınues like this; ‘ They sold me and my friend to two salaf
sheik. Both of them were older than our fathers. They were always threating and hitting us.’
Somaa and her friend lived under-lock and difficult situations for 27 days. One day, one of sheiks had forgotten to lock the door and by this means they had escaped. Somaa and her friend walked 75 kilometres to go to Baghdad, through her relatives, she found her family in the tent in a city that was established in Duhok city of northern Iraq. Somaa said that she saw hundreds of children had been put up for sale.
Woman Bazaar
They take a groups of women to Mosul. ISIS controls the second big city of the Iraq, Mosul since June. Many witnesses claim that in the city center, there is a bazaar that is selling women. Human Rights observer Suzan Aref is there right now and has approved
this claim ‘
They also open the office for selling the women here. In this office, you can look the picture of the women and learn their cost. They are selling Christian women more expensive that Yezidi women. We learned this from the people who are able escape. Generally, the women after they kidnapp , they get raped by ISIS militants . Jihadist first share them each other and then they sell the
m in Mosul and bring new girls.’

ISIS sell muslim women to Jews
recent days, the Shia Imam Kuwait Saleh Jawhar’ s instructions come
like a bombshell in the world.
The coalition to fight ISIS is a fraud and ISIS is selling Muslim women to Jews, according to Imam Saleh Jawhar.
In recent news
, the Shia Imam Kuwait Saleh Jawhar’ s instructions come
like a bombshell in the world.
“Even if we accept everything else –
what kind of religion allows the capturing of a Muslim woman, and on top of that, allows her to be sold to
a Jew?!” the cleric asked in the sermon entitled “The False War on ISIS [Islamic State].”
It has been made aware that the Islamic State’s success
in the northern Syrian town of Kobani has evidence that the US-
led coalition’s fight
against the extremist Islamist group may not be real.
“Today, on the northern border of Syria, all those countries are fighting
ISIS, yet ISIS has managed to capture that city [Kobani]... Is this
conceivable? Or perhaps there is a premeditated scenario at play here,”
he said.
“It was reported that ISIS members had managed to survive the air strikes
by starting fires and generating black smoke that concealed them. But [the coalition] has cameras, and can even smash through rocks, and see
through cave walls, so how come they cannot see through some smoke?”
he queried. Jawhar said the coalition itself created the radical organization, and has a vested interest in its survival.

hese people, commanded by Mistress America, are lying hypocrites.
They do not really want to fight ISIS and destroy it,” he said.
Resources 1).
Eliyokim Cohen (14.10.2014).ISIS sold Muslim women to Jews, Kuwaiti cleric charges. Retrieved from
Martin Drum (14.10.2014).
Yezidi kadınlar IŞİD esaretini anlattı. Retrieved
2014). 25 dolara kadın pazarı. Retrieved
.09.2014). Yezidi Kadın: Kadın Satın Almaya Gelenler Arasında Türkler de Vardı. Retrieved
Sabah(16.08.2014). Yezidi kadınları köle gibi sattılar.Retrieved from
Irak Kızılhaçı: İşid Yezidi Kızları Satıyor
7). ).
rahatsiz(02.10.2014). IŞİD’in tecavüzüne uğrayan kadınları bakın kimler satın alıyormuş

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